Semis: [History] 1. The aim of those who instituted this short-lived turbulent era was to eliminate all internal counterrevolutionary elements, to raise new armies and to assure food supplies for the armies and cities, but it essentially became a war dictatorship set up to rule their country in its national emergency. While it answered the need for a strong executive and saved France from anarchy and military defeat, its effect upon public opinion, especially foreign opinion, was extremely harmful to the Revolutionary cause because of its harsh measures. For ten points, name this period of the French Revolution that lasted for a brief time from September 1793 to July 1794, during which hundreds of executions of presumed enemies of the state were carried out. Reign of Terror BONUS: Given the description of an event, person, or group of the French revolutionary period, name it for 5 points each with a 5-point bonus for all correct. Political group that led France during the Reign of Terror. Jacobins Dominant member of the Jacobins, overthrown in 1794. Maximilien Robespierre French king deposed by the Revolution. Louis XVI Motto of the Revolutionaries in French, LEF for short. Liberté, égalité, fraternité Roland Garros-sounding agreement. Tennis Court Oath [Music] 2. He was the godfather of Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach, who succeeded him at his position of music director for the five major churches in Hamburg. He wrote 21 violin concertos and eight concertos for two violins, as well as horn, trumpet and recorder concertos. He had a very long career compared to his contemporaries and was extremely prolific in his chamber and church music. He also wrote opera, to little acclaim, that is rarely heard today. For ten points, name this Baroque period composer who composed more music than Bach and Handel combined. Georg Phillip Telemann BONUS: 30-20-10- Name the symphony. 30: Its scherzo is short and contains a bass solo. 20: It was one of the first symphonies to be based on a single rhythmic motif. 10: Many have thought it illustrates fate or tragedy. Beethoven's 5th Symphony [Sociology] 3. Amazingly, most of this man's work was written in a period of semiretirement he started at the age of 40, following a nervous breakdown. His ideas put the word "charisma" into common usage, applying the word in reference to the term for the divine grace God bestows on saints, to the "gifts" of certain great leaders who seem to derive their authority from a higher power. Most famously, he linked the Calvinistic depiction of work as a religious calling to the development of an enterprise culture in which capitalism thrives. FTP, name this German sociologist, known for coining the phrase "Protestant work ethic" in the 1904-5 essay The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Max Weber BONUS: Answer these questions about sociology. (10 points each) The man who coined the term "sociology" in 1839: Auguste Comte British philosopher and proponent of Social Darwinism: Herbert Spencer Influential 20th century Harvard sociologist known for his compelling but often untested and contradictory theories: Talcott Parsons [Physics] 4. This term, coined by German physicist Rudolf Clausius in 1850, describes an idea that helps explain why a heat engine is never 100% efficient, or why heat can never be converted entirely into work. In fact, this value measures the portion of heat lost in a system when used to do work, and underlies all energy conversion processes through its importance to the second law of thermodynamics. FTP, name this term, which can be interpreted to describe the level of randomness or disorder in a system. entropy BONUS: Given a thermodynamic formula, name the quantity it describes for 15 points each. ∑(energy of bonds formed) - ∑(energy of bonds broken): enthalpy ∆H - T∆S, read "change in enthalpy minus temperature times the change in entropy": Gibbs free energy [His] 5. Her first husband was Gnaeus Domiticus Ahenobarbus. Her actions in her later years were all for the purpose of gaining supreme power in the Roman Empire for her son. She was the sister of one emperor, the wife of another, and the mother of a third. FTP, name this mother of Nero. Agrippina the Younger (prompt on Agrippina) BONUS: Agrippina the Younger was related to three Roman emperors. Therefore, this bonus is about Roman emperors; name the emperor described for ten points each. If Augustus was the first Roman Emperor, name this fourth Roman emperor, who gained the throne when his predecessor was killed by the praetorian guards, and to whom Agrippina was married. Claudius Name this third Roman emperor, who reigned for fours years before being killed by his guards, and to whom Agrippina was a sister. Caligula Finally, name the first emperor to reign in 69 AD, the year of the four emperors. Galba [His/Lit] 6. This man was the prison psychologist for the majority of the 1945 - 1946 war crimes trial in Nuremberg, Germany. He later published a book consisting of some of his notes on the defendants, called Nuremberg Diary. FTP, name the author of the Psychology of Dictatorship. G. M. Gilbert BONUS: Given the description of the person associated with trial, name him or her FTP each. This man was the chief prosecutor for the Soviet Union during the trial, a general, and appointed Chief Prosecutor of the USSR upon his return and stayed in that post until the 1980s. Roman Rudenko This man assumed the roles of Rudolf Hess upon the latter's flight to England. He was tried in absentia at the trial and sentenced to death by hanging. Martin Bormann This man was Leader of the German Labor Front. He committed suicide in his cell following the indictment. Robert Ley [Lit] 7. This philosopher promoted the idea that reality exists as an absolute mind containing all truth, which is gradually revealed through human experience and knowledge. He suggested that the true understanding of anything must be based on its origins and its evolution into what it currently is. In accordance with this idea of historicism, his dialectic consists of taking two opposite ideas, a thesis and an antithesis, and taking the best elements of each to form a higher truth. FTP, name this German, who in 1807 published The Phenomenology of Spirit. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel BONUS: Identify these other philosophers from works FTPE. Summa Theologica Thomas Aquinas A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume Thus Spake Zarathustra Friedrich Nietzche [His] 8. He was born in 1738 in Ireland. At age 18 he was commissioned as an officer in the British army and fought in the French and Indian War before immigrating to America in 1772. He was commissioned as a brigadier general in the fledgling colonial army and commanded an expeditionary force sent to Canada that captured Montreal. On December 4, 1775 his forces laid siege to Quebec. Although his troops were greatly outnumbered, he led several daring attacks on the fortress. On December 31, he was killed by cannon fire. FTP, name this man after whom a county in Maryland is named after. Richard Montgomery BONUS: Montgomery County, Maryland, is named after Richard Montgomery. For 5 points each and a 5 point bonus for all correct, name the Maryland county given the brief clue. Located in Washington, D.C. metro area. Named after a prince of Denmark from the 17th century. Prince George's Name derived from family name of Lord Baltimore. Contains Jack Bay. Calvert Located on Chesapeake Bay. Named for the Earl of Dorsets. Dorchester Named for the daughter of Thomas Arundell of Wardour. Includes Smith and South Marsh Islands in the Chesapeake Bay. Somerset Named for county of the same name bordering the English Channel in southeast England. Contains Langford Bay. Kent [Lit] 9. The Duke of Vienna needs someone to clean up his randy town. He appoints Angelo because he will strictly enforce the town's laws against fornication and prostitution. Angelo's first criminal is Claudio, who consummated his marriage prematurely, and Claudio is sentenced to death. However, Angelo is willing to let Claudio off the hook if Claudio's virgin sister Isabella agrees to sleep with him. Eventually, the Duke, who has been in disguise the whole time, uncovers Angelo's scheme in, FTP, what Shakespearean comedy? Measure for Measure (Note: Because this question mentions fornication and prostitution, it is probably the dirtiest question in this tournament, thanks to his majesty, the STD Jeff Cohen.) BONUS: It's time for a Shakespeare bonus! Given the characters, identify the work for ascending point values. 5: Fluellen, Pistol, Henry V Henry V 10: Parolles, Helena, Bertram All's Well That Ends Well 15: Don John, Claudio, Hero Much Ado About Nothing [Hist] 10. He is a native of Chicago, and in his law practice there he developed a specialization in antitrust law. In the Supreme Court he has expressed a concern for maintaining the integrity of the electoral processes, such as in his majority opinion in the 1983 case Anderson v. Celebreeze. He has established a reputation for independence and moderation, and is not easily associated with any particular voting bloc. FTP, identify Gerald Ford's only nominee to the Supreme Court. John Paul Stevens BONUS: Given the president and the year that a justice was added to the court, name the justice for ten points apiece. 1) Bush, 1990 David Souter 2) Clinton, 1994 Stephen Breyer 3) Reagan, 1981 Sandra Day O'Connor [Hist] 11. Mustapha Kemal is elected president of Turkey and 120,000 die in an earthquake in Tokyo and Yokohama. Millikan wins the Nobel Physics Prize for his work on the elementary electric charge and Yeats takes the Nobel for Literature. President Harding dies and the Beer Hall Putsch falls through. FTP, name the year in which all of these events took place. 1923 BONUS: 1923 was important year, but can you name this other important year on a 30-20-10 basis. 30: A gas leak from a pesticide plant at Bhopal resulted in the deaths of at least 3,300 people. 20: East and West Germany achieved better relations with new financial and travel accords. 10: Madonna's Like A Virgin is number two on the charts and Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. finishes the year at number 4, but the number 1 spot goes to Prince's When Doves Cry. 1984 [Lit] 12. "No grades were given, but there were oral exams each week. You were expected to respond to questions, and you were expected to pose questions of your own. You were also required to perform physical tasks now and then, such as lifting the professor's head to a comfortable spot on the pillow or placing his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Kissing him good-bye earned you extra credit. No books were required, yet many topics were covered, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. The last lecture was brief, only a few words. A funeral was held in lieu of graduation. Although no final exam was given, you were expected to produce one long paper on what was learned. That paper is presented here." This highly acclaimed book bears the above introduction and is subtitled "An old man, a young man, and life's greatest lesson." FTP, name this book written by Mitch Albom about his weekly meetings with the title character, his old college professor, who was dying from Lou Gehrig's Disease. Tuesdays with Morrie BONUS: For 10 points each, answer the following questions about Tuesdays with Morrie. What city does Mitch travel to each week to meet with Morrie each week? Boston What strenuous physical activity did Morrie Schwartz love to engage in? Dancing (or equivalent) At what university near Boston, Massachusetts, did Morrie teach and Mitch graduate from? Brandeis University [GK] 13. Related to Estonian and possibly even Korean, this language has no gender, no articles, and no equivalent of the English "to have." It is a highly inflected language in which such words as prepositions exist as suffixes, there are 15 distinct cases of nouns, a sentence may be turned into a question by appending the syllable "ko" to a verb, and in negative sentences the word "ei" (pronounced like "A", as in "A-Team") is conjugated instead of the verb. FTP, name the language of the Kalevala (KAH-le-VA-la), which is spoken in such cities as Tampere (TAM-puh-REH), Espoo (ES-poh), and Helsinki. Finnish BONUS: Name the official language or languages of the following countries for increasing point values. 5 points: Canada English and French 10 points: Switzerland German, French, and Italian 15 points: Ethiopia Amharic [Sci] 14. The Marsh test can detect even trace amounts of this chemical element, which is added to Germanium to strengthen semiconductor devices and to molten lead to ensure that bullets are perfectly spherical. One compound of it is Salvarsan, used to treat syphilis, yet it also appears in many insecticides and poisonous gases. FTP, name this semimetal with atomic number 33. Arsenic BONUS: For five points apiece, name the element, given its atomic number. 1) 14 Silicon 2) 12 Magnesium 3) 31 Gallium 4) 10 Neon 5) 79 Gold 6) 80 Mercury [Sci] 15. Some who hate Microsoft would argue that anyone who uses Windows deserves all of its "features," and this is no exception. Even Bill Gates couldn't avoid it when he was demonstrating Windows 98 at a Comdex trade show. An unsuspecting user of a buggy, unstable system such as Windows 95 might be surprised to see its message, with such intimidating lines as "A fatal exception 0E has occured" and "The current application will be terminated." FTP, name this Microsoft phenomenon, whose green cousin was seen recently when X-Box demos crashed at retailers around the country and which features white text on a blue background. Blue Screen of Death (prompt on Blue Screen) BONUS: The Blue Screen of Death isn't the only bad thing to have come from Microsoft in recent years. Name these other mistakes from that wacky computing monopoly for increasing point values. 5 points: This e-mail program is so poorly written, with such "features" as the automatic execution of programs and scripts attached to e-mails, that it has fallen prey to dozens of worms such as ILOVEYOU, Melissa, Sircam, and Nimda. Microsoft Outlook 10 points: This overgrown animated office supply really tries hard to help Microsoft Office users, but it usually gets things wrong in the end. Unless turned off by default (which is now automatic in Office XP), it pops up at semi-random times to offer advice and links to "Help" articles. Clippy (also accept "Office Assistant") 15 points: This family-oriented interface turned the Windows 3.1 desktop into a model home, with rooms, furniture and more, and used cartoon characters and a handful of programs such as Letter Writer and Checkbook to ostensibly make a family's life easier through computing. Microsoft Bob [Math] 16. Pencil and paper ready. FQTP, What is the integral from negative pi/3 to positive pi/3 of (x*cos(x) + 3)dx (read: "x cosine x plus 3")? 2 pi (2π) BONUS: Identify the following related mathematical statements FTPE. (Note to reader: do not give the answers until all 3 parts have been read) Every positive integer can be decomposed uniquely into a product of powers of primes. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic Every nth degree polynomial has n roots. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra Differentiation is the inverse of integration; the integral of a function over some interval is the difference in values of its anti-derivative at that interval's endpoints. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus