NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 1, Page 7 Bonus 13: Science (Chemistry) Give thesystematic IUPAC names of the folowing acids in solution. A: HClO4 B: HI C: H3PO4 D: H3BO3 Answers: A: Perchloric acid B: Hydroiodic acid C: Phosphoricacid D: Boricacid Tossup 14: Science (Earth Science) There have been four major ones, with the most recent one ending roughly ten thousand years ago. A miniature one occured roughly from 1400 to 1800, and its efects enabled the Stradivari family to make excelentviolins but also caused several societies, such as the Greenland Norse, to colapse. Give theterm for along-term global decline in temperature. Answer: Ice Age Bonus 14: Math (Calculus) Find the derivativesof the folowing functionsat x equals 1. A: X cubed plus ten x squared minus five. B: E to the five x. C: The inverse tangent of x. D: The natural log of seven x. Answers: A: 23 B: 5 e^5 (5 e to the fifth power) C: 1/2 D: 1 Tossup 15: Literature (Mythology) Reports of their number varies between two and five, and they were believed to be the daughters of Achelous. Jason had been warned about them by Chiron about them and broughtOrpheus along to provide resistance to them. Odysseus’s strategy involved his men tying him to the mast and puting beeswax in their ears. What mythological figures tried to lure sailors to disaster with their beautiful song? Answer: The Sirens Bonus 15: Social Studies (Geography) Identify these facts about Mt. McKinley. A: What stateis it located in? B: What national park is it in? C: Rounded to the nearestthousand, how tal is Mt. McKinley in feet? D: This 12,000 foot mountain, which sharesits name with a city in West Virginia, is south of Mt. McKinley. Answers: A: Alaska B: DenaliNational Park and PreserveC: 20,000 FeetD: Mt. Huntington Tossup 16: Fine Arts (Visual Art) This 1793 painting, famous for its depiction of a Swiss-bornscientist and journalist, is often compared to Michelangelo's Pietà since both works depict long arms hanging down from a dead body. The central figure has some sort of white cloth wrapped around his head and is holding a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. The paper the man is holding actualy names his assassin, Charlote Corday. Identifythis painting depicting a man murdered whiletaking a bath byJacques- Louis David. Answer: The Death of Marat Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/