NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 2, Page 6 Tossup 11: Social Studies (Geography) This region's name comes from Caledoni, a 5th century tribe, and some its natives include Alexander Graham Bel and James Wat. The Stone of Scone was returned to its capital in 1996, and theBritish navy was anchored at Scapa Flowin the Orkney Islands during World War I. The Hebridesare also of its coast, and Glasgow is its largest city. Name this part of Great Britain north of England whose capital is Edinburgh. Answer: Scotland Bonus 11: Math (Geometry) Find the number of sides thata regular polygon must have, for the folowingto hold. A: It has exactly 119 diagonals. B: Its circumradius is equal to its side length. C: It hasan area of 9 root 3, and aside length of 6. D: It hasinterior anglesof 108 degrees. Answers: A: 17 B: 6 C: 3 D: 5 Tossup 12: Fine Arts (Music) He is famous for German songs like "Elens driter Gesang," (ELL-unz DREE-tur gez-AHNG), "Winter Journey," "The Beautiful Mil-Girl," and "SwanSong," though he is perhaps evenbeter known for his "Moments Musicaux" (MOH-moh MOO-zee-KOH), the "Trout Quintet," and severalof his symphonies, including the Tragic, the Great, and the Unfinished. Catalogued by the Deutsch system, name this Austrian composer who died at age 31, but wrote over sixhundred songs, including Ave Maria. Answer: Franz Schubert Bonus 12: Literature (Mythology) Identify the folowing mythological nasties. A: Reputed to be the king of al serpents and said to cause death by a single glance; it is often contrasted with the cockatrice. B: TheseJapanese demons are often depicted with green, red, black or even pink skin, and favor the tetsubo asa weapon. C: This Norse wolf, an ofspring of Loki, wil eventualydevour Odin at Ragnarök. D: This other progenyof Loki is eventualy kiled by Thor, but its venom causes Thor to die as wel. Answers: A: Basilisk B: Oni C: Fenrir (also accept Fenris) D: Jörmungandr (also accept Midgard Serpent) Tossup 13: Science (Chemistry) Some uncommon scalesfor measuring it include the Alfred-Rochowscale, expressed in terms of efectivecharge divided by radius squared, and the Muliken scale, theaverage of ionization energy and electron afinity, expressed as an energyvalue.Typicaly measured instead in Paulings on a scale from 0.7to 4.0, name this propertyof atoms that expresses how strongly atoms atract electrons in chemical bonds. Answer: Electronegativity Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/