NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 4, Page 7 Bonus 13: Fine Arts(Visual Art) Identify these facts related to Louis Sulivan. A: Sulivan helped designthis 10-storySt. Louis building. B: This was the architect withwhom Sulivan colaborated on the answer to Part A. C: Along with Daniel Burnham,Sulivan was associated with this school of architecture. D: Sulivan used this threeword phrase to describe that a building should be designed withits intended use in mind. Answers: A: Wainwright Building B: Dankmar Adler C: Chicago School of Architecture D: Form folows function (accept "Formever folows function") Tossup 14: Science (Chemistry) -Computational (30 Seconds) Write thefolowing situation as a chemical equation, including both the reactants and the products. Don't include phases, but balance the equation with integer coeficients. The situation is, sodium metal is dropped into water. Afterthe violent reactionis finished, you are left with a gas and a basic solution. Answer: 2Na + 2H2O ->2NaOH + H2 (order can be reversed as long as they stay on the corect side ofthe arow; arow can be read as "yields," "makes," etc.) Bonus 14: Social Studies (Geography) Name the capitalsof the folowingcountries. Al the answers begin with the leter P. A: Cambodia B: Haiti C: North Korea D: Papua New Guinea Answers: A: Phnom PenhB: Port-au-Prince C: Pyongyang D: Port Moresby Tossup 15: Fine Arts (Music) Writing it after his eighth symphony, its composer tried to avoid the "curse of the ninth" by not numbering it, instead subtitling it"a symphony for tenor, contralto, and largeorchestra." In six movements al based on Chinese poetry, it starts with The Drinking Song of Earth's Misery, and ends with The Farewel, which is alone half the length of theentire piece. Namethis unnumbered symphony by Gustav Mahler about our planet. Answer: The Song of the Earth (accept DasLied von der Erde) Bonus 15: Science (Biology) Name these terms related to intercelular transport. A: The opposite of endocytosis, it occurs when molecules arereleased out of a cel's membrane. B: This type of endocytosis means"celular eating," and occurs when large particles are enveloped into the cel's membrane. C: This type of endocytosis means "celular drinking," and occurs when liquids are engulfed by cels. D: Al of these kinds of transport involve this type of membrane-bound compartment merging with the cel's outer membrane. Answers: A: Exocytosis B: Phagocytosis C: Pinocytosis D: Vesicle (accept vacuole) Tossup 16: Social Studies (Curent Events) He is from a town caled Searchlight and was once caught on tape trying to strangle aperson who tried tobribe him. He once refered to President Bush with the statement: "The man's father is a wonderful human being. I think this guy is a loser." Name thisSenator from Nevada whois in the process of changing from the Senate Minority Leader to the Senate Majority Leader. Answer: Hary Reid Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/