NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 5, Page 4 Tossup 6: Fine Arts (Music) This Lithuanian was born in Maryland in 1937, and at age 15 entered the University of Chicago. He then studied at the Juiliard School of Music, and in Franceworked on the film score to Chappaqua with Ravi Shankar, before traveling to India and convertingto Buddhism. His pieces use additive rhythms, and he cals it "theater music" though most other peoplecal it something else. Name this composer of Strung Out, The Fal of the House of Usher, Music in Twelve Parts, and Einstein on the Beach, a three-and-a-half hour minimalist opera. Answer: Philip Glass Bonus 6: Science (Chemistry) Name this laboratory equipment named after people or places. A: You knewwe were going to ask about this,a common laboratory heatingdevice that burns a steady stream of flammable gas. B: Also known as a conical flask, this flask has a flat botom, andunlike a beaker,tapers up to a narowneck. C: Also known as a boiling flask, this flask is often spherical at the botom with a long neck, andis named after an Italian town, not a woman'sfirst name. D: This glassware isused to separate any compound from a solid by dissolving it in a solvent. Answers: A: Bunsen burner B: Erlenmeyer flask (prompt onflask) C: Florence flask (prompt on flask) D: Soxhlet extractor Tossup 7: Science (Biology) Based on the mean corpuscular volume,it can be macrocytic, caused by low Bvitamin intake or a so-caled"pernicious" condition that prevents B vitamin absorption.It can also be microcytic, caused bylow iron intake,or special conditions like sickle-cel disease. Another variety is normocytic, caused by acute blood loss. Al of these lead to hypoxia and possibly faintness or more serious problems. Name this condition, from the Greek for "without blood," a deficiency in red blood cels. Answer: Anemia Bonus 7: Social Studies (U.S. History) Identify these facts related to the Cuban Missile Crisis. A: It occured during this year,which was during JFK's presidency. B: The SovietUnion placed missiles in Cuba partly because of this failed American invasion of Cuba. C: This man was the Soviet premier during the Crisis. D: The flights of these types of spyplanes were instrumental in receiving information aboutthe situation;the most famous flight of one, thought it was notover Cuba, was byGary Powers. Answers: A: 1962 B: Bay of Pigs Invasion C: Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev D: Lockheed U-2 (promptDragon Lady) Tossup 8: Miscelaneous (Technology) First standardized in 1963, its less commoncodesinclude ShiftOut, Vertical Tab, and Form Feed. In total, it has 33 control characters and 95 printablecharacters, starting with Nul and ending with tilde. Name this common wayto representEnglish characters in computer textfiles, a text encoding scheme which is curently being superceded by Unicode. Answer: ASCI (accept "American Standard Code for Information Interchange") Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/