NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 6, Page 9 Bonus 18: Science (Chemistry) Give thename, not the formula, of the chemical that makesup each of the folowing four common household products. A: Bakingsoda B: Epsom salt C: Nail polish remover D: Borax Answers: A: Sodium bicarbonate (accept sodiumhydrogen carbonate)B: Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate C: Acetone (accept propanone) D: Hydrated sodium tetraborate (may be folowed by"decahydrate" or "pentahydrate", but not necessary) Tossup 19: Literature (Literature) Scholars nowpoint to its scribe as being Adam Pinkhurst, based on the letering of an oathsigned byhim. Curently located in the Huntington Library of San Marino, California,it began to be assembled by the Lord Chancelor, SirThomas Egerton and Viscount Brackley. Folowing his death, it continued to be added to by his decendants. Its ilustrations are much more elaborate than those of its companion, the Hengwrt.Identify this early15th century manuscript of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. Answer: Elesmere Manuscript of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales Bonus 19: Fine Arts(Music) - Three Parts Name these three Czech composers. A: Most famous for his Ninth Symphony, "From theNewWorld,"he is also known for the opera Rusalka and his second celoconcerto. B: A Czech nationalist, he is famous for his comedic opera "The Bartered Bride," anda set of symphonic poems titled "Ma Vlast," or "My Country." C: Other thanBohuslav Martinu (MAR-teen-ooh), this Czech composer is pretymuch the only other one anyone knows about. He is mainly known for his operas, especialy Jenufaand The Cunning Litle Vixen. Answers: A: Antonin Dvorák (d'VOR-zhak) B: Bedrich Smetana C: Leos Janácek (yuh-NAH- check) Tossup 20: Science (Physics) Carbon-13 is,though carbon-12 and carbon-14 are not. Photons and gluons are not, thoughleptons and quarks are.In general, an even number of these particles together is a boson, but an odd number together remains one of this type of particle. Because theirwavefunctions are antisymmetric, they obey Fermi-Dirac statistics rather than Bose-Einstein, and therefore obey the Pauli exclusion principle.Name this type of particle that has half-integer spin, named after an Italian physicist. Answer: Fermion Bonus 20: Math (Algebra) Find al the real zeros of the folowing polynomials. A: xcubed - 15 x squared + 75 x - 126 B: xcubed + 7 x squared - 2 x - 14 C: 5 x squared + 14 x - 3 D: x to the fifth power + 5x to the fourth power + 10 x cubed + 10 x squared + 5 x + 1 Answers: (must have al answers in any order, but no additional answers) A: 6B: root 2, negative root 2,-7 C: -3 and 1/5 (1/5=.2) D: -1 Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/