NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 7, Page 5 Bonus 8: Math (General) Convert the number 27 (read: two seven), base 8, into the folowing bases. (note: Answers must be given as two one two,not two-hundred and twelve) A: Base 3 B: Base 9 C: Base 16 D: Base 2 Answers: A: 2 1 2 B: 2 5 C: 1 7 D:1 0 1 1 1 Tossup 9: Fine Arts (Music) His personal life was troubled, as shown by his unsent love leter addressed to his "Immortal Beloved," as wel as his 1802 Heiligenstadt (HI-lig-en-SHTOT) Testament writenthough also never sent to his brothers, in which he admits to his growing medical condition. Recent tests indicate this conditionwas possibly caused by leadpoisoning. Name this late Classical and earlyRomantic composer who wrote such works as the Pathetique Sonata, Fidelio,nine symphonies, and the Moonlight Sonata, who spent the last part of his life deaf. Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven Bonus 9: Social Studies (Geography) Given a description of an African country, name the country. A: In 1994 there was a civil war in this countrybetween the Hutus and the Tutsis, leaving hundreds of thousands dead. Its capital is Kigali (kih-GAHL-ee). B: The smalest country in Africa, it is surounded by Senegal and the Atlantic Ocean.Its capital is Banjul. C: This country contains Cap Vert, the westernmost point on the mainland of Africa. Its capital is Dakar. D: The majority of this country is covered by the Kalahari Desert. Its capital is Gaborone. Answers: A: Republic of Rwanda (accept Repubulika y'u Rwanda and République Rwandaise) B: Republic of the Gambia C: Republicof Senegal(Accept République du Sénégal) D: Republic of Botswana (Accept Lefatshe la Botswana) Tossup 10: Science (Biology) Caused by the zonula occludens (ZONE-u-lah ock-LOO-dens)between certaincapilary cels, it was first noticed by Paul Ehrlich in the late 19th century. It blocks mostmolecules weighing more than about 500 AMUs, though lipids like certain hormones are alowed through.Most studied is its efect on L-Dopa,which, unlikedopamine,can travel across it andhelp combat the symptoms of Parkinson'sdisease.Name this barier which was not believed to exist until a 1913 experiment by Edwin Goldmann, when he injected dye directly into the spine and noticed that it couldnot move freely between the brain and the rest of the body. Answer: Blood-brain barier (this is aspecific term; only acceptvery close variants) Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/