NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 7, Page 11 TIEBREAKERS/REPLACEMENTS: Tossup 21: Social Studies (World History) His first public ofice wason the Lambeth Borough Council, to which he was elected in1968. His first election to Parliamentcame in 1979, and in 1990 he became the leader of the Conservative Party. He stepped down from hisseat in Parliamentin 2001. Name this man, whoimmediatelypreceded Tony Blair as British Prime Minister. Answer: Sir John Major Bonus 21: Social Studies (Geography) Identify the oficial national language of each of the folowing South American countries. A: Brazil B: Venezuela C: Suriname D: Guyana Answers: A: Brazilian Portuguese B: Spanish C: Dutch D: English Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/