NewTrier Varsity 2006 Round 8, Page 4 Tossup 6: Miscelaneous (Entertainment) She was first mentioned in 1999, simplyas"a teenage bride with a baby inside." In 2002, in "By the Way," she wil be at the theater, singing songs to a man beneath the marquee.She appears again in 2006, when her life and death are finaly explained. Born in Mississippi,she led a life of crime and was finaly shot by a North Dakota bounty hunter while trying toflee to Minnesota. Name this titular girl of a hit 2006 single from the album Stadium Arcadium, by the Red Hot ChiliPeppers. Answer: Dani California Bonus 6: Science (Earth Science) Name these supercontinents. A: Existing from one bilion to 800 milion years ago, this supercontinent's name comes from the Russian for "homeland." B: Best known is this supercontinent that existed from about 500 to 200 milion years ago, whose name comes from the Greek for "al earth." C: After the breakup of that supercontinent, two continents were formed. One was this continent named for its two subcontinents, North America and Eurasia. D: This other continent contained the other modern continents, and is named after a group of people in India. Sometimes "land" is added to the end of the word, but it is redundantbecause the second half means "land" in their language. Answers: A: Rodinia B: Pangaea C: Laurasia D: Gondwana (accept Gondwanaland) Tossup 7: Fine Arts (Music) Born in 1862, he was raised by the owners of a china shop, andlater in life he was unable to compose without his favorite porcelain frog by his side. One of his mostimportant early works depicted a scene with forest spirits, andis named a Prelude because he intended to write two more pieces in the set. His onlyopera, "Peléaset Mélisande," heavily influenced thefuture of French music. Name this French impressionist composer responsible for popular piano music like the "Children's Corner" suite and "Clair de Lune," as welas the orchestral sketch "La Mer." Answer: Claude Debussy Bonus 7: Social Studies (World History) Identify these famous families of Europe. A: This familywas in charge of Prussia for quite some time. B: Perhaps the family with the most widespread influence, this family was in charge of Austria and more, and produced such rulers as Maria Theresa. C: This family ruled Milan. Francesco I was the Duke of Milan. D: The most wel known member of this German banking family was Jakob. Answers: A: Hohenzolern B: Habsburg (accept Hapsburg) C:Sforza D: Fugger Tossup 8: Literature (LanguageArts) Anthropological studies tend to support it, for example, finding that the Piraha people were unable to learn arithmetic because "one," "two," and "many" were the onlynumber words in their language. Related to the idea of political corectness,name this linguistic hypothesis named after two people, that states that languageinfluences how people view the world. Answer: Sapir-Whorfhypothesis Aegis Questions © 2006 htp:/